750MC – Donington Park

Qualifying 5th (22nd Overall) | Race Cancelled

Our second outing in the Roadsports series, and we were keen to improve upon the weekend at Cadwell Park where a dodgy qualifying and shambles of a pit stop put us completely out of contention. I’d also been racing at Donington in the British GT support race 3 weeks previously so the track was pretty fresh in my mind.

Due to this, I did the first stint in qualifying before handing over to Rhys. I managed to set a competitive time that put us 5th in Class and 22nd overall on a huge grid of 46! Here is the results sheet. Another second per lap would put us in the podium positions, so on a similar note to my closing thoughts from Cadwell Park – I’ve got a clear target to aim for when developing the car over winter.

The dry conditions from qualifying didn’t last and soon the rain started falling as the forecast had predicted. The pit lane had rivers running down and understandably the racing was paused until the conditions improved. By 3PM the weather showed no signs of relenting and so unfortunately the meeting was cancelled. We headed back to Kent with just a qualifying results sheet to show for our efforts which is a bit of shame to be honest as it looked like that would have produced a good race especially in wet conditions as the Mazda tends to fly.

Photo by Joshua Barrett, please check out his work!

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  1. Pingback: 750MC - Donington Park | March 18, 2017

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